Technology for Teaching


The use of video in education has traditionally been used to reproduce traditional methods of teaching, such as a vodcast or lecture capture. However, video can be used not only to convey “knowledge”, but also to provide feedback, record multimedia “stories”, and evaluate skills among others.

Be aware that video may not be accessible by individuals with visual or hearing impairments and thus should ideally be accompanied by a transcript and close captioning.

Learning Management System Tools

Canvas Media Tool*

Canvas, Geisel’s Learning Management System, affords all users with the opportunity to record audio using the media comment tool available from within the Rich Text Editor. This tool can be used to add audio to course pages, discussions, assignment feedback and even quizzes.

Software Applications (Free)


Panopto is a video hosting and streaming platform which provides faculty with the ability to:

  • Pre-record course content
  • Manage video content (search, share/permissions, and edit)
  • Embed videos in Canvas
  • Add automated machine captions
  • Add interactive quizzes within the video

Software Applications (Fee)


Camtasia (Mac) and Camtasia Studio (PC) allow users to create, edit, and produce video from a variety of sources including screencast, PowerPoint, and built from scratch with images, movie clips, etc. The product is easy to use and provides a variety of advanced editing options at an affordable price. Videos created in Camtasia can be uploaded into Panopto for streaming and embedding in Canvas.

Check with the Dartmouth Computer Store for educational pricing.


The following are a list of references about the use of video in teaching and learning.

*Tools that appear with an asterisk on the pages are commonly used at the Geisel School of Medicine. Contact the Geisel Information Technology office if you would like more information about any of the tools within this guide.